【日記】初ボランティア活動! 英語で大阪ガイド★
I'm going to update the blog for the first time in 4 months! I have something I want to talk about to you guys. I did volunteer work for the first time on May 3rd!^^/ Actually, I was interested in the volunteer work to show foreign tourists around Osaka in English. And to my surprise, one of my students found a volunteer group and told me about that! She said that she also wanted to join the volunteer group, so I decided to join it this April, too!^^ And then, I had the first chance to do volunteer work on May 3rd! My guests were Polish people, a group of 10 people!! Wow! I was able to have such a valuable experience for my first try, so I was hyper!! Of course, That was my first time, so I acted as a trainee and there was a main guide who was an experienced volunteer!! While the main guide and I was waiting for the Polish guests at Osaka Station around 10:00AM, he gave me a Pikachu sticker and told me to stick it to my chest as a mark...why Pikachu... Anyway, I stuck it to my chest as he said and we were ready! Before long, the Polish guests came to us. It was my first volunteer work and besides, I had 10 guests, so at first I felt overwhelmed and a little nervous, but I was gradually getting excited, oh my god!!^^ And I strongly thought like, "I will do my best to make them enjoy their Osaka sightseeing!!"
We visited the Osaka Castle, Ten-shiba, Keitakuen, Shinsekai, Kuromonichiba, Houzenji-mizukakefudou, and Doutonbori. Luckily, there was a German beer event in Ten-shiba, and we had some beer there.^^ It was an unexpected event for us, but I was very happy that the Polish guests were happy! Especially, the weather was very good and it was too hot, so it was a perfect day to enjoy drinking beer outside in the daytime! After that, we went to a Japanese style bar in Shinsekai and had some Kushikatsu and Takoyaki. We talked a lot drinking beer and had a great time there! They said Kushikatsu and Takoyaki were really great!! When I saw the last Kushikatsu left on the plate, I realized that they also have the feelings as we do, which is called "Enryo-no-katamari" lol. I felt very close to them.^^ Finally, we took some pictures of us with the big Glico sign in the background and said good-bye. We were together from morning to evening, so I felt a little lonely when we said good-bye. Anyway, I was really happy to hear that they had a fun day in Osaka.^^ They said thank you to us and I almost cried. I didn't cry, though. I am going to continue to do the volunteer work proactively from now on!!
When I was alone on the train on my way home, I noticed that I had forgot to peel off the Pikachu sticker on my chest, so I was really embarrassed...
4ヶ月ぶりぐらいの更新です! 5月3日に初のボランティア活動をしてきました!^▽^/ というのも、実は前々から大阪を訪れる外国人観光客を英語で案内するというボランティア活動に興味がありまして、たまたま生徒さんの一人がその団体を見つけて教えてくれました! その方もそのボランティア団体に入るということで私もぜひということで入会しました!>▽< それが4月のこと。 そして5月3日についに私にとっての第一回目の活動がありました! なんとポーランドからの観光客、しかも10名の団体さん!! 一発目でいきなり貴重な経験をさせていただけるということでテンション爆上がり! もちろん一回目なので私は研修生としてついて、メインガイドはベテランの方がやりました! 朝10時に大阪駅でメインガイドの方といっしょにポーランド人を待っていた時に、メインガイドの方が「目印になるように胸にこれ貼っといて」と言ってなぜかピカチュウのシールを渡されました。それを胸のところに貼って準備万端! 間もなくしてポーランドの方たちも来られました。初めてのガイドでしかも10名の団体さんなので最初はちょっと圧倒されて緊張してしまいましたが、それよりもだんだんワクワクしてきていました!^▽^ 『今日一日、彼らを大阪観光で楽しませるぞ!』という強い気持ちが生まれました! そして私たちはそこから大阪城→天芝→慶沢園→新世界→黒門市場→法善寺水掛不動→道頓堀と周りました。偶然にも天芝ではドイツビールのイベントが行われていて、そこでポーランド人たちとビールを飲みました^▽^ 予定外の出来事でしたがポーランドの人たちも喜んでくれて良かったです! 特に天気が良くて暑かったのでお昼に外で飲むビールは最高でしたね! そして新世界で串カツとたこ焼きの居酒屋に入ってそこでもビール飲みながらいろいろと彼らと話してとても楽しかったです!>▽< 串カツとたこ焼きも彼らに大好評でした! 串カツが大皿にひとつだけ余っているのを見て『あぁ〜、ポーランドにも遠慮のかたまりってあるんだなぁ』となんか親近感が湧きました(笑 最後は道頓堀でグリコの看板をバックに写真を撮って解散。 朝から夕方まで一緒にいたので、別れ際は少し寂しい気持ちになりましたね。 とにかく彼らはとても大阪観光を楽しんでくれたようでとても良かったです^^ 最後にありがとうと言われた時は泣きそうになりました。泣いてはないよ。 これからもこの大阪ガイドのボランティア活動をどんどん積極的に続けていくつもりです!!
★☆★私個人のインスタにもいろんな写真を載せているので、もしよかったら見てくださいな^^ 画面一番下にインスタのアイコンあるよ〜
【日記】鯰江中学校 吹奏楽!
On Sunday, I went to the Joto Community Center to appreciate "Ever Green Concert" by Namazue junior high school brass band!^^
I heard that they won the gold medal in the 70th National brass band contest last year, so of course their performance was brilliant!! The son of one of my students plays the trumpet in the Namazue junior high school brass band, so she asked me if I could come to the concert. Of course I said yes!! I didn't know who her son was, but anyway all of them played their own instruments very well. Actually they looked like a professional band!! The audience including me gave a big applause after each song! The junior high school girl sitting in front of me was so moved that she was crying when she heard the last song!! The girl next to her, who is her friend, was whispering "Stop crying!" haha.
The concert was a blast!! I wanna go to their concert again someday!!^^
日曜日に城東区民ホールで行われた鯰江中学校吹奏楽部の『Ever Green Concert』を鑑賞しに行ってきました!^^
昨年の第70回全日本吹奏楽コンクールで金賞を獲っただけあってかなり凄かったです!!驚 弊社の生徒さんの息子さんがそこでトランペットを吹いているということで私も行かせてもらいました! どの子がその子だったのかはわかりませんでしたが、みなさんそれぞれの楽器をしっかりと演奏して中学生とは思えなかったです! プロですよ!! 観客も一曲一曲終わるたびに盛大な拍手をしていました! 私の前に座っていた中学生の女の子は最後の曲を聴いていたときに感動して泣いていました!驚
とにかくコンサートは大盛り上がりでした! また行きたいです!^▽^
Hello, everyone!^^
I went to a concert by Yodogawa Kogyo high school's brass band, which is called Green Concert. It was held at Festival Hall in Nakanoshima, and it was the last concert for the third year high school students! One of my students who used to come to my English school before belonged to the brass band in Gamo junior high school and now he is a member of Yodogawa Kogyo high school! And he told me that he would perform in the concert at Festival Hall on January 15th and wanted me to come, so I was really happy to hear that!! Of course I went to the concert!! Actually he is still a first year high school student and plays the alto saxophone! I was really moved that I listened to the students perform some songs!! They had a concert at Lemierre Hall in Kadoma city before and I went to it, too. All the students have become better at performing, so I was very impressed and realized again that music is wonderful!!
They played some songs, such as Bolero(ボレロ), Furusato(故郷) and Kampai(乾杯), and I almost cried!! (In addition, Mr.Children also has a song called Bolero. It is also very good, so I want you to listen to it too, lol) And also, I was very surprised that all the seats were booked!! Probably because it was the last concert for the third year high school students and many of their parents and friends also came.
When they played a song called "We Are The World", the lights in the hall went off and all the audience waved penlights!! It was so beautiful that I almost cried, oh my gosh!!
I want to go to their concert again!!
淀川工業高校の吹奏楽部のグリーンコンサートを聴きに行ってきました! フェスティバルホールで行われて、高校3年生にとっては最後のコンサートだったそうです!
そして先日、「ホールでコンサートやるから来れたら来てください」と連絡が入り、喜んで行かせてもらいました! その子自身は高校1年生で、アルトサックスを演奏しています! むちゃくちゃ感動しました!! 以前にも門真市のルミエールホールで淀工吹奏楽部がコンサートすると聴き、それにも行きましたが、一段とみなさん素晴らしくなっていて、やっぱり音楽はいいなぁとあらためて思いました!
皆さんご存じの「ボレロ」という曲も良かったし「故郷」や「乾杯」も良くて泣きそうになりました!(ちなみにミスチルの曲にも「ボレロ」という曲があります。あれも良いですから聴いてみてください笑) しかも満席でびっくりしました! おそらく3年生にとっては最後だから彼らの親御さんや友達らが聴きに来ていたのでしょう。
「We are the world」を演奏したときは電気が暗くなり全員でペンライトを振りました! とても綺麗で泣きそうになりました!
【日記】2023年あけましておめでとうございます! 阪急生け花!!
Hello, everyone!
2023 has come and I made the first shrine visit of the year and now I feel like I am getting out of the new year's mood^^
My New Year's resolution is to cook by myself every day!! Well, I used to cook by myself at one time, but you know, cooking is such a hassle and after that, we need to wash the dishes...ow So I often bought some food or ate out, but I have decided to cook by myself every day this year!! Actually I have already started cooking since around the end of last year. Anyway, I'll keep doing that!!
And also, I went to see the Ikebana exhibition in the Hankyu department store windows again this year, which is an annual event!!
Surprisingly, one of my students here is one of the members that create the Ikebana exhibition!! So I look forward to going to see them every year!! ^^
Needless to say, they are fabulous, fantastic and wonderful!! The Ikebana are so big enough to cover the big store windows, so they are powerful and always give me a lot of power!! I think the exhibition will last until January 15th? maybe, so if you have time, you gotta go and see them!!
私の新年の抱負は、『毎日自炊すること』です!! 一時期は料理もしていたんですが、なんせ料理するのは面倒臭いし後片付けが大変。。 だから今まではお店で買ったり外食したりしていましたが、今年は毎日自炊することに決めました。 昨年の末ごろから実は自炊することを本格的に始めていました。 とにかく懲りずに続けます!
とても素晴らしいですよ! ショーウィンドウいっぱいに生け花が展示されているのですごい迫力があって力をもらえます!
みなさんも時間があれば観に行ってみてください! おそらく1月15日ごろまで展示されていますので!
【日記】2022年終わりっ! 良いお年を!
Hello, everyone!
This is the first update in a while^^;
Well, I have been in big trouble changing my office's website into a new one... now I am okay maybe^^
So I haven't been able to update the blog! I know you guys have missed me, but don't worry, just calm down. But I'm a lazy person, so sometimes maybe I feel updating the blog is such a hassle..( T _ T )
Anyway, 2022 is coming to an end. Well, this year's biggest topic is 2022 Qatar World Cup, right?! I was screaming loudly while watching the games at midnight!! Soccer is the most exciting sport in the world, huh?!^_^
Meanwhile, Russia's invasion of Ukraine has still been going on. It didn't end within this year after all... What will become of this issue next year? And also, the news that Shinzo Abe, the former Japanese prime minister, was shot to death were shocking. Probably, I worked feeling as if my mind was absent for several days since I heard the news at first. Why did such a terrible thing happen in Japan?? We must not take peace and safety for granted. However, we must make every effort to make them a matter of course.
Anyway, have a great New Year's !!!!!
なんとか少し落ち着いたかなと^^ なのでなかなかブログなどを更新しておりませんでした! 寂しかったと思いますがもう安心しなさい。とは言いつつも、面倒くさがり屋なので頻繁に更新するのもやっぱり面倒くさくなるかも。。( T _ T )
そうこうしている間に2022年が終わりますな。 今年はなんといってもワールドカップでしょ!! 夜中に一人で叫んでましたよ!!