【日記】2022年終わりっ! 良いお年を!
Hello, everyone!
This is the first update in a while^^;
Well, I have been in big trouble changing my office's website into a new one... now I am okay maybe^^
So I haven't been able to update the blog! I know you guys have missed me, but don't worry, just calm down. But I'm a lazy person, so sometimes maybe I feel updating the blog is such a hassle..( T _ T )
Anyway, 2022 is coming to an end. Well, this year's biggest topic is 2022 Qatar World Cup, right?! I was screaming loudly while watching the games at midnight!! Soccer is the most exciting sport in the world, huh?!^_^
Meanwhile, Russia's invasion of Ukraine has still been going on. It didn't end within this year after all... What will become of this issue next year? And also, the news that Shinzo Abe, the former Japanese prime minister, was shot to death were shocking. Probably, I worked feeling as if my mind was absent for several days since I heard the news at first. Why did such a terrible thing happen in Japan?? We must not take peace and safety for granted. However, we must make every effort to make them a matter of course.
Anyway, have a great New Year's !!!!!
なんとか少し落ち着いたかなと^^ なのでなかなかブログなどを更新しておりませんでした! 寂しかったと思いますがもう安心しなさい。とは言いつつも、面倒くさがり屋なので頻繁に更新するのもやっぱり面倒くさくなるかも。。( T _ T )
そうこうしている間に2022年が終わりますな。 今年はなんといってもワールドカップでしょ!! 夜中に一人で叫んでましたよ!!