
【日記】2023年あけましておめでとうございます! 阪急生け花!!

Hello, everyone!


2023 has come and I made the first shrine visit of the year and now I feel like I am getting out of the new year's mood^^

My New Year's resolution is to cook by myself every day!!  Well, I used to cook by myself at one time, but you know, cooking is such a hassle and after that, we need to wash the dishes...ow    So I often bought some food or ate out, but I have decided to cook by myself every day this year!!  Actually I have already started cooking since around the end of last year.  Anyway, I'll keep doing that!!


And also, I went to see the Ikebana exhibition in the Hankyu department store windows again this year, which is an annual event!!  

Surprisingly, one of my students here is one of the members that create the Ikebana exhibition!!  So I look forward to going to see them every year!! ^^

Needless to say, they are fabulous, fantastic and wonderful!!  The Ikebana are so big enough to cover the big store windows, so they are powerful and always give me a lot of power!!    I think the exhibition will last until January 15th? maybe, so if you have time, you gotta go and see them!! 





私の新年の抱負は、『毎日自炊すること』です!! 一時期は料理もしていたんですが、なんせ料理するのは面倒臭いし後片付けが大変。。 だから今まではお店で買ったり外食したりしていましたが、今年は毎日自炊することに決めました。 昨年の末ごろから実は自炊することを本格的に始めていました。 とにかく懲りずに続けます!




とても素晴らしいですよ! ショーウィンドウいっぱいに生け花が展示されているのですごい迫力があって力をもらえます!

みなさんも時間があれば観に行ってみてください! おそらく1月15日ごろまで展示されていますので!